Spread Excellent Service
Increase Efficiency, Reduce Costs, and Grow Your Business with Our Various Solutions and Technologies.
Fast ResponIncrease Efficiency, Reduce Costs, and Grow Your Business with Our Various Solutions and Technologies.
Fast ResponSains Logistic was founded in 2020 and has declared itself as the most superior corporate supply chain solution.
To become a superior and respected logistic company in Indonesia
- Carrying out business activities by prioritizing the values of honesty
- Developing reliable human resources to achieve customer satisfaction
- Giving benefits to stake holders and share holders
- Honesty
- Teamwork
- Creativity
- Customer Satisfaction
- Sharing Benefit
We Prove and offer services to meet costumer needs in order to welcome digital market challenges through out Indonesia. Our main services are Sains Storage - Warehousing. Sains Logistik Indonesia is committed to providing the best service to our customers.
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